
Servusla Anne!

Anne joins us as trainee advocate. She grew up in Naila and Denver and studied law at the University of Bayreuth with a specialization in private international law and European law. She then deepened her focus and interest in English Law by completing the additional study program (aka Zusatzstudium) “International Legal Studies” at the University of Bayreuth.

Anne has worked for an international law firm in Nuremberg. She is currently completing her legal traineeship aka Referendariat at the Oberlandesgericht Bamberg.

We look very much forward to working with Anne and have so many questions…


What was your first job?

I worked for a company that sells medical equipment such as heart valves. It was pretty interesting to see the extent of medical development.


Breakfast or dinner?

Hard one to choose, depends on the content of my fridge.


What do you cook when you spontaneously have friends over for dinner?

Too much according to them. Something Italian. Oregano must be an ingredient for sure. People never leave my home hungry.


Mountains or Seaside?

I love the steadfastness of mountains, but also the freedom the ocean promises. Find and love a place that combines both.


If you could meet someone famous, dead or alive, who would it be?

I would love to have a conversation with K. T. Guttenberg, Barack Obama and Markus Lanz.


Which was your favorite place to live so far?

The Mile High City – Denver, Colorado.


Digital or analogue?

Analogue. Analogue pictures capture an instant moment, digital photos can easily be done over and over again.


Favorite time of day?

Mornings – there is so much to do and see.


Window or aisle seat?

Always window. Every time I fly, I am amazed that the plane is able to take off, seeing how much luggage people bring along.


What song will always get you on the dancefloor?

September by Earth, Wind & Fire and Dance Monkey by Tones And I.


Good advice you’ve received?

Always say yes in life more often than you say no, but also know when to say no.


Most played on your music playlist right now?

Mosaïque by Ash.


Favorite (public) holiday?

Christmas. Short days, long nights filled with chats by the fireside, peppermint mocha and good food and family.


Last new thing you learned?



Which movie (show) can you watch over and over?

Gossip Girl. Watching people grow up in New York never gets boring.


Three words to describe Berlin?

Exciting, international and endless.


Night owl or early bird?

Early bird during summer, night owl during winter.


Favorite pizza topping?

Cheese, always cheese, no matter what kind.


Tanya Verma

Tanya Verma is an Indian qualified lawyer currently pursuing a Master’s degree in International Dispute Resolution at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She obtained a degree in Bachelor of Business Administration and Legislative Law from a renowned university in India. During her five-year tenure in law school, Tanya had the opportunity to intern under esteemed designated Senior […]

Pablo Ortega Krstulovic

Pablo Ortega Krstulovic is a Chilean-qualified lawyer who joins us as a visiting professional from the new class of the IDR LL.M at HU. He grew up in Arica, Chile and completed his legal education at the University of Chile in Santiago. Before moving to Berlin, Pablo gained experience as an associate lawyer at one of […]

Diego Melendez Hirezi

Diego Melendez Hirezi is a Salvadorean-qualified lawyer. He graduated from the Superior School of Business and Economics of El Salvador. Currently, he is a student in the International Dispute Resolution LL.M program at Berlin Humboldt University. For more than five years, he worked as an associate in the litigation and arbitration department of Arias Law, a […]

About Wagner Arbitration

The law firm WAGNER Arbitration has its offices in Berlin and specializes in dispute resolution with a focus on arbitration. In addition, the firm offers comprehensive counseling services related to domestic and international business disputes and transactions.