

As we say farewell to 2024 and look ahead to the holidays and the new year, we wanted to dedicate our last post – as has become a WagArb LinkedIn tradition by now – to thanking all of you for continuing to support our LinkedIn channel.

We have tried, this year again, to give a glimpse into our daily practice, to introduce the people that work in this firm, and to encourage genuine exchanges about events and developments, such as the Wendegeschichten format, that move us.

We have this year also achieved the milestone of 5,000 followers (and growing!). We thank you all for your continued support – and in sync with the festive atmosphere this time of year, we felt it was suitable we do so with a team photo from our pre-Christmas party activity. This involved, as the proud faces on the photo indicate, self-made advent wreaths a.k.a. Adventskranzbinden.

We wish you all happy holidays, and invite you to consider supporting the projects and organizations that have been close to our hearts this year:

💚 A Bleistift FOR EVERYONE Bleistift ✏️ 🥣 (https://ableistift.de/support/sponsorship/?lang=en)

💚 Ukrainehilfe Gauting 🇺🇦 (https://www.christuskirche-gauting.com/christuskirche-hilft-ukraine-regelmaessige-aktuelle-informationen)

💚 Médecins sans frontières ⛑️ (https://www.msf.org/)

💚 Provide the Slide 🏄 (https://providetheslide.com/)

💚 Individual local and foreign student support & loans 🫶

About Wagner Arbitration

The law firm WAGNER Arbitration has its offices in Berlin and specializes in dispute resolution with a focus on arbitration. In addition, the firm offers comprehensive counseling services related to domestic and international business disputes and transactions.