
The 9th of November

As you know, we make mention of it every year. As the day in German history that stands for the best and for the worst of what humans can do.

And while we are overjoyed year after year of the fact that this terrible wall has fallen and allowed the German people to peacefully reunify, we want to make it very clear that the so-called Night of Broken Glass must and always will remind us of the atrocities of a time that we too easily tend to refer to as a past that will never recur. The recent increase in antisemitic aggression in Germany shows only too well that we have to do more than just say #neveragain.

There are many initiatives who do that and who appreciate support. One example are the Arolsen Archives, the world’s largest archive on the victims and survivors of the Nazi regime, a UNESCO Memory of the World located in the German town of Bad Arolsen. Their work in the fields of research and education is more important than ever, because #everynamecounts.


Tanya Verma

Tanya Verma is an Indian qualified lawyer currently pursuing a Master’s degree in International Dispute Resolution at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She obtained a degree in Bachelor of Business Administration and Legislative Law from a renowned university in India. During her five-year tenure in law school, Tanya had the opportunity to intern under esteemed designated Senior […]

Pablo Ortega Krstulovic

Pablo Ortega Krstulovic is a Chilean-qualified lawyer who joins us as a visiting professional from the new class of the IDR LL.M at HU. He grew up in Arica, Chile and completed his legal education at the University of Chile in Santiago. Before moving to Berlin, Pablo gained experience as an associate lawyer at one of […]

Diego Melendez Hirezi

Diego Melendez Hirezi is a Salvadorean-qualified lawyer. He graduated from the Superior School of Business and Economics of El Salvador. Currently, he is a student in the International Dispute Resolution LL.M program at Berlin Humboldt University. For more than five years, he worked as an associate in the litigation and arbitration department of Arias Law, a […]

About Wagner Arbitration

The law firm WAGNER Arbitration has its offices in Berlin and specializes in dispute resolution with a focus on arbitration. In addition, the firm offers comprehensive counseling services related to domestic and international business disputes and transactions.