
#Wendegeschichte und #Wendegeschichten

Dieses Motiv des geteilten Berlins ist hier schon bekannt. Die Lage unserer Kanzlei erinnert uns immer wieder daran, dass es die Kanzlei nicht gäbe, wenn vor bald 35 Jahren nicht die Mauer gefallen wäre.

Auch aus diesem Grund veranstalten wir in diesem Jahr eine Gesprächsreihe unter dem Titel „Wendegeschichte(n)“.

Die sollte es eigentlich schon 2020 geben, aber dann kam die Pandemie dazwischen.

Wir werden also an fünf Abendterminen in diesem Jahr zu Gesprächen mit Zeitzeugen aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik in unsere Kanzleiräume einladen, darunter Christof ElssnerAnne K. HoffmannDr. Ramona Schardt, LL.M. (UVA) und Rolf Trittmann.

Inhaltlich wird es gehen um die Zeit des Kalten Krieges, den friedlichen Widerstand in der DDR, den Fall der Mauer, die Zeit danach und den sogenannten Aufbau Ost.

Gleichzeitig werden wir an persönlichen Erlebnissen aus einer Zeit teilhaben, die inzwischen zwar über drei Jahrzehnte zurückliegt, aber gesellschaftlich noch nicht verarbeitet und schon gar nicht überwunden ist. Beispiele aus der Gegenwartsliteratur wie „Der Osten: eine westdeutsche Erfindung“ von Dirk Oschmann oder „Die Möglichkeit von Glück“ von Anne Rabe zeugen davon.

Wir freuen uns auf den Austausch und auf das, was daraus entstehen wird.

The #TurningPointTales aka #Wendegeschichten

The below motif of divided Berlin and the location of our law firm reminds us time and again that the firm would not exist if the Wall had not fallen almost 35 years ago.

For that reason also, we are organizing a series of talks this year under the title “Wendegeschichte(n)”

These talks were actually supposed to take place in 2020, but the pandemic got in the way.

We will therefore invite witnesses of this time from the world of business, science and politics to our office on five evenings this year, including Christof ElssnerAnne K. HoffmannDr. Ramona Schardt, LL.M. (UVA) and Rolf Trittmann.

We will talk about the Cold War period, peaceful resistance in the GDR, the fall of the Wall, the time thereafter and the so-called “Aufbau Ost”.

At the same time, we will share personal experiences from a time that, although now more than three decades in the past, has not yet been socially processed and certainly not overcome.

Examples from contemporary literature such as “Der Osten: eine westdeutsche Erfindung” by Dirk Oschmann or “Die Möglichkeit von Glück” by Anne Rabe bear witness to this.

We look forward to the exchange and to what will emerge from it.


Tanya Verma

Tanya Verma is an Indian qualified lawyer currently pursuing a Master’s degree in International Dispute Resolution at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She obtained a degree in Bachelor of Business Administration and Legislative Law from a renowned university in India. During her five-year tenure in law school, Tanya had the opportunity to intern under esteemed designated Senior […]

Pablo Ortega Krstulovic

Pablo Ortega Krstulovic is a Chilean-qualified lawyer who joins us as a visiting professional from the new class of the IDR LL.M at HU. He grew up in Arica, Chile and completed his legal education at the University of Chile in Santiago. Before moving to Berlin, Pablo gained experience as an associate lawyer at one of […]

Diego Melendez Hirezi

Diego Melendez Hirezi is a Salvadorean-qualified lawyer. He graduated from the Superior School of Business and Economics of El Salvador. Currently, he is a student in the International Dispute Resolution LL.M program at Berlin Humboldt University. For more than five years, he worked as an associate in the litigation and arbitration department of Arias Law, a […]

About Wagner Arbitration

The law firm WAGNER Arbitration has its offices in Berlin and specializes in dispute resolution with a focus on arbitration. In addition, the firm offers comprehensive counseling services related to domestic and international business disputes and transactions.