
Guggemo Nils!

Nils joins us as trainee advocate. He grew up in Edenkoben (Southern Wine Route) and studied law at Saarland University with a specialization in international contract and commercial law. Nils has worked as a research assistant to Prof. Michael Martinek and at international law firms in Munich. Currently, he is completing his legal traineeship aka Referendariat at the Kammergericht Berlin and is writing his PhD thesis on supply chain contracts.

We look very much forward to working with Nils and have so many questions…


What was your first job?

Waiter in a bar at a winery.


Breakfast or dinner?

Dinner because I can take the time to sit down and enjoy tasty food with family and friends.


What do you cook when you spontaneously have friends over for dinner?

Parmigiana di melanzane or spaghetti alla puttanesca.


Mountains or Seaside?



If you could meet someone famous, dead or alive, who would it be?

Ulrich Wickert.


Which was your favorite place to live so far?



Digital or analogue?



Favorite time of day?

Whenever it is time for dinner.


Window or aisle seat?

Aisle seat. I need to stretch my legs.


Country you wish to visit?

New Zealand.


What song will always get you on the dancefloor?

U Make Me Wanna – Blue.


Good advice you’ve received?

The journey is the best part.


Biggest pet peeve?

Searching for supposedly lost items (especially keys, wallet).


Most played on your music playlist right now?

Toscana Fanboys – Peter Fox.


Favorite (public) holiday?

Christmas. I love to get together with family and friends to cook, eat and play games.


Last new thing you learned?

The center hole in a spaghetti spoon is designed to measure a serving size.


Which movie can you watch over and over?

All James Bond movies.


Three words to describe Berlin?

Diverse, energizing, friendly.


Three words to describe your hometown Edenkoben?

Vineyards, hospitable, sunny.


Night owl or early bird?

Night owl.


Favorite pizza topping?

Fresh tomatoes, arugula, burrata.




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About Wagner Arbitration

The law firm WAGNER Arbitration has its offices in Berlin and specializes in dispute resolution with a focus on arbitration. In addition, the firm offers comprehensive counseling services related to domestic and international business disputes and transactions.