

WAGNER Arbitration Blog

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Welcome Vincent!

Vincent Maria Fellermann joins us as a summer intern. He grew up in Moers, a city on the Lower Rhine in North Rhine-Westphalia, and is studying law at the University ...

Hot off the press!

The German Rectors’ Conference aka #Hochschulrektorenkonferenz aka #HRK has just released a brand new publication on risk management for German universities and other higher education institutions involved in cross-border cooperations. ...

The ARBITRATTORIA is our blog. Originally called the JOURNAL, we decided to rename it because the arbitrattoria stands for everything we do in and outside the office.

The name “arbitrattoria” originates from a Friday lunch format that we came up with at the firm several years ago. One of us would cook a meal for the rest of the team and serve it in our kitchen, oftentimes including special guests and contributions from all four corners of the world.
As the arbitrattoria had to close its doors for almost two years following the outbreak of the pandemic, we decided not only to create a cookbook with recipes of team and alumni, but also started a virtual lunch chat series with guest speakers called the “arbitrattoria lunch bowl”. The format has survived the pandemic and is meanwhile well-established.

With the makeover of our website, we thought it a good opportunity to extend the arbitrattoria concept to our blog and publications. Here, you will find a selection of contributions on arbitration and other legal issues, personal profiles and introductions of new team members, testimonials, event news and much more.
Moin Sophie!

Sophie joins us as trainee advocate. She grew up in Rostock and studied law at the Universities of Münster and Adolfo Ibanéz in Chile, with a specialization in International and ...

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Servusla Anne!

Anne joins us as trainee advocate. She grew up in Naila and Denver and studied law at the University of Bayreuth with a specialization in private international law and European ...

Guggemo Nils!

Nils joins us as trainee advocate. He grew up in Edenkoben (Southern Wine Route) and studied law at Saarland University with a specialization in international contract and commercial law. Nils ...

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Growing older. Growing up. Growing together.

Julian Bickmann was the first new hire at WagArb shortly after the little boat had set sails on the great ocean of international dispute resolution in 2013. He joined as ...

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Podcast alert!

Our Joseph Schwartz sat down with Christof Elssner and Martin Schirmbacher of HÄRTING Rechtsanwälte to discuss arbitration, the differences and the potential advantages compared to state court proceedings on Härtings ...

Advancing institutional arbitration in India: The role of India International Arbitration Centre and its regulatory developments

With India’s escalating economic prominence and a surge in disputes among parties, it is frequently observed that they become entangled in legal conflicts. Consequently, there arises an imperative for the ...